Container type LPG skid - mount station
The skid-mounted refueling station is an integrated mobile station that integrates storage tanks, various control devices, and air-conditioners on a fixed base. The skid-mounted LPG filling station only needs to use the LPG tanker to carry the LPG as the air source. The ground type can be simply fixed to the ground. For mobile, you only need to install the entire armor on a mobile truck.
1. Ground-mounted armored LPG filling station
The armored LPG refueling station occupies less land. Compared with the fixed refueling station, it has a simple process, short construction period and low investment. It is very suitable for transportation by car. The location of the refueling station can be changed at any time according to market demand. The city is particularly suitable for the planning and construction phase.
Due to the lack of fixed-site investment and cumbersome approvals, the outfitting station is still dominated in many areas. From the current practical application, in general, when the site is limited or the vehicle scale is between 10 and 40, the station building form of the armored station will be adopted.
2, mobile liquid truck
Mobile tankers are well understood. Simply put, the entire armor is placed on a mobile car. It is flexible and can be moved to a place with refueling requirements. The mobile dosing car developed particularly rapidly around 2010, but its gas storage is relatively small, and it is now mostly used for emergency situations.