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Anti corrosion measures for underground LPG tanks

Time:2022-08-29 Views:114
As all the underground LPG buried tanks are buried underground, the tank body is in a humid and closed environment for a long time. The soil layer, sand and stone, acid rain, etc. will cause uneven corrosion on the surface of the tank body. In serious cases, the tank will have cracks, leakage and other phenomena. Therefore, it is particularly important to do a good job in the anti-corrosion work of liquefied gas buried tanks.
The anti-corrosion work of liquefied petroleum gas buried tanks mainly starts from the following aspects:
1. A layer of anti-corrosion medium shall be coated on the outer surface of the storage tank, and the liquefied gas storage tank shall be subject to anti-corrosion according to the code for design and construction of anti corrosion coating of petrochemical equipment and pipeline. The coating shall be epoxy coal asphalt, and the winding material shall be glass cloth. The thickness of each layer of coating must be greater than or equal to 0.2mm, and the winding thickness of each layer of glass cloth shall be 1.5mm. Apply a layer of coating and wrap a layer of glass cloth until the total anti-corrosion thickness is greater than 5.5mm. Generally, it is coated with three layers of asphalt and two layers of glass cloth in the middle, which is usually called three layers of asphalt and two layers of cloth.
2. Cathodic anti-corrosion measures shall be taken for the buried liquefied gas tank. Active metals such as magnesium alloy shall be connected to the tank body of the liquefied gas tank. In case of electrochemical corrosion, magnesium alloy will act as the negative electrode to generate oxidation reaction, so as to reduce or prevent corrosion to the tank body materials.
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